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Title Deeds. Proof of Property Ownership

Title Deeds. Proof of Property Ownership

If you are planning to buy a new property, you will need to get the Title Deed (Deed of Transfer) transferred into your name to prove that you are now the legal owner of the property. You need the assistance of an attorney specialising in property transfers (also known as a conveyancer) to help you transfer the Title Deed into your name. 

You will only become the legal owner of the property when the Registrar of Deeds signs the transfer document. Once it has been signed, the original gets sent to the attorney to either give to the owner if the property was purchased without a bond or to the bank if the property was bonded. The Deeds Office will keep a copy of the Title Deed (Deed of Transfer).

The deeds registry is open to any member of the public to also access information about (this information can also be requested via our website and delivered electronically):

  • The registered owner of a property;
  • The rules surrounding a particular property;
  • Interdicts and contracts involving the property;
  • The purchase price of the property;
  • A copy of an Antenuptial Contract (ANC), Title Deed (Deed of Transfer), Deed of Servitude, Mortgage Bond and so on
  • Information relating to a property or deed.
  • Information relating to the tracking of a deed through the registration process (DOTS).
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