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Property Search Result Explained

Property Search Result Explained

As some of the information supplied in this report probably doesn’t make sense we have created this page to help you in interpreting the information contained in a PROPERTY SEARCH Report.

Note: The report contains information as it is at the Deeds Office. The information is obtained directly from the Deeds Office and is not a cached or “old” version.


There are 11 Deeds Offices in South Africa. Each of them operates independent of each other.

Documents are registered at the Deeds Office in which the area in question falls. If a person owns a property in Durban, then the Pietermaritzburg Deeds Office will have the information. If a person own property in Cape Town, then the Cape Town Deeds Office will have the information.

The 11 Deeds Offices are:

  • Cape Town (Covering the Western Cape, parts of the Eastern & Northern Cape)
  • Kimberley (Covering mainly the Northern Cape)
  • Johannesburg (Covering parts of Gauteng)
  • Pretoria (Covering parts of Gauteng, Limpopo, parts of Mpumalanga and parts of the North
    West). This is the largest Deeds Office and also the head office.
  • Mpumalanga (Covering mainly Mpumalanga)
  • Vryburg (Covering mainly North West)
  • Bloemfontein (Covering mainly Free State)
  • Umtata (Covering mainly Eastern Cape)
  • Pietermaritzburg (Covering mainly Kwazulu/Natal)
  • King William’s Town (Covering mainly Eastern Cape)
  • Limpopo (Covering the Limpopo Province)



There are various types of properties registered at the Deeds Office. They are:

  • Freehold Properties – A freestanding property with a unique Erf Number, Portion Number and Township.
  • Sectional Schemes – A sectional scheme is usually a complex. A complex consists of a number of Units which uniquely identify the property. Sometimes Door Numbers are used
    (i.e. 2A). The Deeds Office does not register sectional schemes by Door Number but by Unit Number.
  • Farms – A farm is classified by a Registration Division (JR, IR etc), Farm Number and Portion Number.
  • Agricultural Holdings – Agricultural Holdings are classified by a Holding Name and Holding Number.
  • Clusters / Estates – This is most common in Gauteng. The Deeds Office does not know anything about these types of properties. They are registered as Freehold Properties.



This section contains information about the property. The Portion, Erf and Township are the most important aspects of a property as this uniquely identifies the property.

  • Property Type – Refer to the Property Types section above.
  • Erf Number – The unique erf number of the property. An erf number is unique for a Township i.e. only one erf number per township.
  • Portion Number – If an erf has been subdivided (cut into smaller pieces) the each piece gets assigned a portion.
  • Township – This is the Township this property is located in. Note: A Township is not the same as a Suburb. The Deeds Office do not register properties according to suburb. There is no official database for suburbs so the township is more important than the suburb.
  • Scheme Name – The name of the sectional scheme (in the case of a sectional scheme search).
  • Unit Number – The unit number of the sectional scheme. Note: The Unit Number is not necessarily the Door Number. It might be unit 103 but
    door number 3A.
  • Diagram Deed – This is the original deed when the property was first registered. It is seldom requested and used mainly for reference.
  • Extent – This is the size of the property. Usually it is in square metres (SQM) but can be in DUM (Dummy) which is used when the size is unknown.
  • Local Authority – The local authority (or municipality) that the property is in.
  • Reg Division – This is the Registration Division usually used for farms. For freehold properties and sectional schemes this is used as reference to the registration division of the original farm.
  • Province – The province that the property is located in.
  • LPI Code – This is the unique Surveyor General code for the property used mainly for mapping purposes.


This section displays all the information for the owners of the property.

  • Person Type – This is the type of person (Private, Company, Trust, State etc).
  • Person Name – The full names of the owner.
  • ID Number – The ID Number (or company registration number) of the owner.
  • Share – The % share of ownership. If a person owns 50% of the property then is will be shown as 0.5.
  • Multiple Properties – This indicates whether the owner owns multiple properties.
  • Multiple Owners – This indicates whether the property is owned by multiple owners.
  • Title Deed – The Title Deed Number for the title deed document that is registered at the Deeds Office when the property was transferred to the current owner.
  • Purchase Date – The date the property was purchased (i.e. offer to purchase signed and accepted).
  • Purchase Price – The price paid for the property. Sometimes you will get a CSR or UNKNOWN. In these cases you will need to order the copy of the title deed document to get more information.
  • Registration Date – This is also known as the Transfer Date. This is the date that the property is registered at the Deeds Office / Transferred to the new owners.
  • Microfilm Reference – This is the unique microfilm reference for the document. Title Deed documents are microfilmed (and scanned) for archiving purposes.


These are restrictions on a specific property. An endorsement can be a bond, interdict, mineral rights or any other restriction imposed on a property.
Bonds, Interdicts and Mineral Rights are the most common endorsements for a property.

  • Owner – This is the owner of the endorsement. In the case of a Bond this will generally be the bank i.e. ABSA, Standard Bank, SA Home Loans etc.
  • Amount / Price – The amount of the endorsement. In the case of a bond this will be the registered bond amount. Note: This amount is the amount registered and not necessarily the outstanding amount. There is no way (apart from contacting the bank) to find out what the
    outstanding amount on a bond is.
  • Document – The unique number for the document. This number is unique per Deeds Office.
  • Microfilm Reference – Refer to Microfilm Reference in the Owners section of this document.
  • Description - Type of endorsement (i.e. Interdict, Bond etc).



This section contains a history of transactions for the property. This can be transfers (sale of the property), bonds (registration of a bond) or any other transaction against the property. The same information as for Endorsements is contained in this section.


Although we take the utmost care in ensuring the information contained in this document is accurate we are under no circumstances liable for any damages resulting in using the information contained in this document.

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